
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Getting Started

For over ten years, I've known that I would have TTTC, or trouble trying to conceive -- for those not "in the know."  I've gone through all of the various stages of grief.  I refused to believe that I was infertile.  I became angry and couldn't understand how it was that I couldn't have a baby when so many others could.  Then I bargained with God, asking him for just one baby of my own, conceived in the regular, old fashioned way.  I was depressed, and just didn't get why this was happening to me.

Now, we've reached acceptance.

And because I've accepted the way things have to be, and because I have an amazing husband who loves me and wants a family as much as I do, we've embarked down the rabbit hole of IVF, or in-vitro fertilization.

We started the process with a physician we trust and formulated a plan.  The plan included testing for me, testing for DH, and figuring out the financial stuff that goes along with this really, really expensive way to make a baby.  As we tested, we found out that my one remaining Fallopian tube is open (the other tube was surgically removed to prepare for IVF because it was blocked), my uterus is perfect, and my DH's sperm were more than up to the job.  It seemed like a slam dunk, but then I was diagnosed as having diminished ovarian reserve, based on a low AMH level of 0.26.  (Normal is 1-3.5.)  This made it perfectly clear that our best option is IVF.

Usually, it's incumbent upon the couple to pay out of pocket for the treatment of infertility.  Most insurance companies cover testing up to diagnosis.  Some pay for the medications, while leaving the couple on the hook for the other charges.  We're blessed to be one of the few couples in the United States who have insurance coverage for IVF.

Today, we got official word that our insurance company has approved our first round of IVF to start July 17th.  It hardly seems like it's possible that we're finally here.  We'll get our protocol next week, and then we're off!

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